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Blog & News

Paralysis Exercises for Recovery Patients: Guidance from Experts

Expert guidance on paralysis exercises for recovery patients to enhance mobility and strength effectively.

Managing Chronic Pain Without Medications: Spinal Cord Stimulation as an Alternative

MRC, the foremost Physiotherapy Clinic in Kolkata, is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals dealing with chronic pain. The pursuit of pain relief often leads to medication-based management, but there are alternative approaches that can provide effective results without the side effects of medications. In this blog, we will explore one such alternative – […]

Exploring the Depths of Relief: Demystifying Interventional Pain Management

Do you or your loved ones experience physical pain while performing day-to-day activities? As we age, our body is unable to recover from distress completely. Generally, we consume painkillers to get instant pain relief. We don’t realise how harmful these painkillers are for our bodies in the long term. That’s where Interventional Pain Management comes […]

Laser Treatment for Pain Management: The Benefits

LASER- short for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation involves the application of low-intensity laser light to relieve pain caused due to the damage of soft tissue. Laser therapy facilitates easy repair of the tissues and helps in restoring normal cell function. Experts use it to heal wounds and pain. Laser therapy in physiotherapy […]

How To Choose The Best Pain Management Clinic For You

We often suffer different kinds of pain in different body parts. This is a given owing to our daily busy hectic schedules. But when the pain spirals out of control, so much so that it impedes your ability to even perform basic daily activities, that is your sign to seek medical help. Pain Management is […]

Pain Clinic Near Me at Kolkata- Medical Rehabilitation Center

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right. A staggering population today suffers from anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. And most of it stems from physical pain and the inability to lead normal lives where pain doesn’t impede their daily functioning. Listen to what your body is telling you […]